Wednesday, September 24, 2014

Red bar anthia's eggs

The fertilized eggs is either floating or semi-floating.  Usually the unfertilised eggs will sink to the bottom of the tank.  Fertilized eggs are transparent while unfertilized eggs will gradually turn to opaque.  below are two pictures showing that the one row of fertilized egg along the surface line of the water.  The first picture with flash open while the second one without flash.

The fertilized egg will rapidly change to prolarvae stage.  After 12 hours(before hatch) the appearance of the egg will become a line surround a transparent sphere.  The line will become the tail of the prolarvae.            

Saturday, September 20, 2014

Pseudanthias fasciatus (Red Bar anthias)

The red bar anthias inside one of my tank has started to breed since July of 2014.  Therefore, I think that it is the time to record down all the things as marine fish breeding is my dream.

Here is a link to a video showing the spawning behavior of my Red Bar anthias pair .

The anthias pair spawn everyday.  Two to Three spawning is observed daily.  Sometimes I can collect hundreds of eggs daily by filter the tank water.